COVID-19 Resources Page
Campaign/message: Surviving Covid while Black : “The National Urban League joined forces in that effort, initiating a first-of-its-kind conversation between Black journalists and a coalition of Black health professionals including NMA, the Black Coalition Against COVID-19 have partnered with Meharry Medical College, Howard University College of Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, the National Black Nurses Association and”
References how institutional racism has contributed to the increased COVID-19 cases within the Latinx, Black, American Indian and Alaska native, Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders: due to crowded living situations, occupying front line jobs, lack of access to protective equipment
Utilizes social media platforms to promote information about the gravity in disparity of cases in BIPOC (such as Instagram):
Provides information about the MODERNA COVID-19 and sections the information as follows:
Who should be vaccinated (health workers at high risk and elderly who are more prone to health complications)
Who else can take the vaccine (individuals who have HIV or those who have had COVID-19 or women who are breastfeeding)
Who should not take the vaccine (those who have severe allergies and who might suffer an allergic reaction from the components of the vaccine)
Is it safe? (states that the vaccine has undergone review by the European Medical Agency and consequently WHO’s criteria for SAGE consideration)
Does it efficacious is the vaccine?
Does it work against new variants?
Does it prevent infection and transmission?
Under the category vaccines the CDC has included multiple subcategories:
1. Frequently asked questions about vaccinations
2. Information for specific groups (the categories included are: essential workers, healthcare personnel, long term care facility residents, pregnancy or breastfeeding, underlying medical conditions)
3. What to expect at your vaccine appointment
4. Benefits of getting vaccinated (topics include: COVID-19 vaccine will help keep you from getting COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccine is a safer way to build protection)
5. Different vaccines (explains the difference between COVID-19 mRNA vaccines that offer the patient immunity protection without the patient having to undergo contracting the COVID-19 virus as well as the Viral Vector COVID-19 vaccine).
6. Ensuring the safety of vaccines (subcategories include: clinical trials, vaccine safety monitoring, expanded safety monitoring systems such as - vsafe (utilizes text messaging and web surveys to check in with patients + national healthcare safety network, existing safety monitoring systems, includes Indian health service which tracks spontaneous adverse events in tribal populations
“Juntos we can stop COVID-19” campaign"
Campaign focuses on the collaborative effort of Latinx communities in combating the spread of the virus. Utilizes words such as ‘familia’ to touch upon the importance of unity while relating directly to Latinx with the inclusion of Spanish. This campaign emphasizes how the struggle against the coronavirus is truly an intergenerational effort (desde los niños hasta los abuelos) - everyone’s actions affect others whether they be directly in contact with the person or indirectly -
Structure of campaign (launched September 2020
1. Emphasizes importance of “Wearing a Mask” and goes into detail of how to properly wear a mask (one of the biggest risks that counter products the purpose of the mask is wearing the mask incorrectly thus removing its protective qualities)
2. Emphasizes the importance of “Avoiding public spaces” as well as mentioning one can get together with family/familia but it's important to do so in a safe way. Provides examples of events that are considered unsafe to attend such as traditional Latin events: carne asadas
3. Know what to do if you’re exposed or test positive: details what is classified as exposure (as the definition of exposure fluctuates so often) and the importance of not sharing items if exposed or tested positive
4. Get the COVID-19 vaccine when it’s available to you: advocates for the safety of the vaccine and the importance of getting the vaccine in order to build collective immunity
5. Provides information about implicit bias and its impact in regards to access to healthcare for Latinos